"Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with Me." Revelation 22:12
Daniel was a man that was highly esteemed by God. Imagine your reaction if God said that about you! He was a royal servant taken prisoner as a teen by his enemy and forced to serve a king that had slaughtered and conquered his own people. Yet God was with him and made him a person of respect and influence before his enemies. God thought so highly of him that He gave him understanding of dreams and visions and even showed him the future glory of his own people who were currently in captivity.
So how does this relate to the Christian? Well, outside of the example he shows us, Daniel reveals our future as well. The book of Daniel speaks of a coming kingdom that will be greater than all of man's mighty kingdom. Daniel speaks of a ruler who will reign forever and a plan for the redemption of his chosen people. It may have been written 2500 years ago but it is still relevant for us today as we serve a God that does not change.
I would encourage you to read the book of Daniel in addition to the teaching to get the most out of this study.
So how does this relate to the Christian? Well, outside of the example he shows us, Daniel reveals our future as well. The book of Daniel speaks of a coming kingdom that will be greater than all of man's mighty kingdom. Daniel speaks of a ruler who will reign forever and a plan for the redemption of his chosen people. It may have been written 2500 years ago but it is still relevant for us today as we serve a God that does not change.
I would encourage you to read the book of Daniel in addition to the teaching to get the most out of this study.
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